Speaking With Impact

Executive Presence and Gravitas Training

Gravitas training for presence and performance

Become an inspiring speaker

Why do some leaders stand out above others?

  • What gives them a powerful presence?
  • How do they command respect?
  • How do they achieve their authority and gravitas?
  • Why are they so engaging and inspiring?

What do they have that you don’t?

The answer is probably nothing. They are just using a number of eminently learnable leadership communication techniques. If you want to stand in their shoes, we can show you how.

We include gravitas training in each of our Executive Communication Programs, helping you to demonstrate authority and presence, and inspire respect when you speak.

The leadership X-factor: nature or nurture?

Gravitas training for influence and impact

We’ve carried out rigorous research into what gives certain individuals the mysterious ‘X-factor’ when it comes to communicating as a true leader.

As part of our study we interviewed those who speak for a living: barristers, broadcasters, politicians, religious leaders and toastmasters. We asked them whether they think nurture or nature plays the most important role in making a great communicator.

The response was unanimous: people are not born to be great speakers. The trick is to learn the requisite techniques and apply them skilfully.

The X-factor of great leadership communication means:

Gravitas ~ Charisma ~ Expertise
Confidence ~ Authority ~ Truthfulness
Passion ~ Presence ~ Warmth

As we coach leaders through the diverse skills and proficiencies involved, with gravitas training playing a major role in this, we watch our clients command more and more respect.

Vital skills for influence and impact

Our communication coaching will teach you vital executive communication skills for influence and impact

Whether you are delivering a significant presentation, giving a major media interview, or meeting with colleagues, clients or stakeholders, three intrinsically linked components will influence how your words are received.

Leaders who command respect use their voice to its optimum capacity. The volume, clarity, musicality and resonance of the voice play a fundamental role in holding attention and demonstrating authority and gravitas.

Leaders who stay calm, collected and in control of even the most stressful situations exude a confident authority that draws others to them.

Executive presence combines the physical, emotional and intellectual factors required to portray authority, gravitas and credibility. Leaders who demonstrate executive presence influence how people feel by connecting with them on a fundamental level. Our gravitas training is fundamental in order to achieve this.

Helping leaders inspire respect: our powerful, unique approach

Gravitas training for influence and impact with communication coach Helen Sewell Our Director, Helen Sewell, takes a very holistic approach to leadership communication coaching and gravitas training. She works on a huge range of factors with clients to help them develop outstanding delivery skills.

Helen teaches the very basic, practical science of calm, effective breathing which forms the basis of focus, confidence and presence.

We are all born with the ability to breathe naturally, comfortably and effectively. Unfortunately most adults have long-since forgotten the requisite techniques. Helen teaches clients how to breathe well again, enabling them to regain an innate sense of calm and confidence.

Helen also trains people in natural, comfortable vocal techniques, enabling her clients to create rich, resonant tones that exude authority and gravitas.

And she instils in clients the fundamental performance methods of presenting successfully with or without props and PowerPoint.

She covers much, much more as well.

In summary, Helen helps Senior Executives to cultivate and extend their existing skills, while she teaches new techniques to support communication growth and development.

Free e-course to help you communicate brilliantly

To start communicating with brilliance and flair, why not sign up here for Helen’s free e-course. This explains how to:

What better way of gaining respect and getting buy-in?

Contact us now

If you’d like to develop more influence and impact, let’s talk. We’ll be happy to discuss your gravitas training and other aspects of how you can achieve your aims. Do get in touch.

Why not boost your gravitas, authority and influence today?