Vital Volume

Developing Voice Projection and Vocal Richness

Voice projection and vocal richness

Voice projection for louder speech

  • Do you ever struggle to make yourself heard?
  • Do people ask you to repeat yourself?
  • Is your speech volume dial turned down?

As an integral part of our leadership communication programs, Helen Sewell will show you some simple, practical steps to develop your voice projection and speak more loudly. Helen has a Master’s degree in Communication and Performance Coaching, and she specialises in voice work.

What is voice projection?

Voice projection for power, volume and authority

You might have heard of ‘speaking from the belly’. This means using your abdominal muscles as bellows to propel air out of your lungs and past your voice-box, making air molecules vibrate, and creating sound. The strong abdominal muscles support the sound, which means you can project your voice forwards with power, volume and authority.

But projecting your voice doesn’t just make you louder. Voice projection gives you a richer, more resonant tone, even when you speak quietly. So it’s fundamental for everyone.

What’s involved in voice projection?

The three most important factors affecting speech volume are:

  • The amount of air in your lungs
  • The way you use your belly muscles
  • Your posture

Helen will show you how to achieve an appropriate posture, how to breathe in enough air and how to pump it out again gently – projecting your voice and enhancing your gravitas due to the richer, more resonant tones.

The importance of breathing in voice projection

The importance of breathing in voice projection

You need to breathe well in order to speak well, but if you are constantly stressed (and who isn’t these days?) you can easily develop bad breathing habits, which can cause problems with your voice. Millions of people breathe poorly, and therefore speak ineffectively.

If you don’t breathe well, you will probably try to use your throat muscles to power your voice. This is very ineffective and can eventually harm your vocal cords.

Deep down, your body knows how to breathe well. Helen will help you recognise what you should be doing and reverse any bad habits you’ve picked up over the years.

Are you a bad breather? (Most people don’t realise they are!)

  • Do you ever find yourself running out of breath towards the ends of sentences?
  • Do you gasp, yawn or sigh regularly?
  • Do you ever feel light-headed or develop a tight throat while speaking?
  • Do your shoulders and/or your chest rise when you breathe in?

If you recognise any of these symptoms you probably need help with your breathing technique.

A huge number of our clients have no idea that they are breathing badly… until Helen shows them what’s going on.

She loves the “Eureka!” moment that follows, when people eventually start to breathe well for the first time in years. The side effect is a beautiful feeling of calm.

Develop your voice projection and start sounding louder today

Develop your voice projection and start sounding louder today

There is element of voice projection in all our programs. Helen will show you how to project your voice and create volume without shouting or straining.

Using her techniques you will always be heard and your voice should never be tired again.

Helen will help you find a comfortable posture so your sound can flow out freely. And she’ll train you to use the appropriate muscles for creating volume and power.

Free e-course – voice projection tips and more

Our free e-course explains how to start projecting and enriching your voice. It also includes a multitude of tips, tools and techniques for influential communication. To receive the first lesson today, just sign up here.

Contact us now

If you’d like to discuss voice projection or other aspects of influential communication, please contact us now. We’ll be delighted to talk with you.

Be heard. Be understood. Achieve results.